

Docstrings (module, models, utilities)


class indico.modules.designer.models.images.DesignerImageFile(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.


The MIME type of the file.


The date/time when the file was uploaded.

property download_url

The extension of the file.


The name of the file.


The ID of the file

property locator

An MD5 hash of the file.

Automatically assigned when save() is called.


The size of the file (in bytes).

Automatically assigned when save() is called.


The designer template the image belongs to

version_of = None

Name of attribute (backref) that will be made to point to the versioned resource (leave as None if you don’t want versioning)

class indico.modules.designer.models.templates.DesignerTemplate(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

property is_ticket
property is_unlinkable

Return True if the template can be unlinked from a registration form.

Link this template to a registration form.


Define a smart locator property.

This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.

This decorator should usually be applied to a method named locator as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.

If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:

def locator(self):
    return {...}

def locator(self):
    return {...}

The other locator can then be accessed by passing obj.locator.other to the code expecting an object with a locator.

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.


Unlink this template from a registration form.


Return True if the given template can be linked to the given registration form.


Get all templates usable by an event/category.

indico.modules.designer.util.get_default_badge_on_category(category, only_inherited=False)
indico.modules.designer.util.get_default_ticket_on_category(category, only_inherited=False)

Get all templates inherited by a given event/category.


Return all registration forms that can be linked to the given template.


Get all non-deletable templates for an event/category.


Return all templates that can be used to print badges/tickets for the given registration form.

A template can be used if it is either not linked to anything or linked to the current registation form.


Return True if the given template data contains regform field placeholders.


Return True if the given designer item references a regform field placeholder.

class indico.modules.designer.pdf.DesignerPDFBase(template, config)
class indico.modules.designer.pdf.TplData(width, height, items, background_position, width_cm, height_cm)

Create new instance of TplData(width, height, items, background_position, width_cm, height_cm)


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 4


class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.CategoryTitlePlaceholder
description = l'Category Title'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'category_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventDatesPlaceholder
description = l'Event Dates'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'event_dates'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventDescriptionPlaceholder
description = l'Event Description'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'event_description'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventLogoPlaceholder
description = l'Event Logo'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

is_image = True

Whether this placeholder is rendering an image

name = 'event_logo'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventOrgTextPlaceholder
description = l'Event Organizers'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'event_organizers'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventRoomPlaceholder
description = l'Event Room'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'event_room'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventSpeakersPlaceholder
description = l'Event Speakers/Chairs'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'event_speakers'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventTitlePlaceholder
description = l'Event Title'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'event_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.EventVenuePlaceholder
description = l'Event Venue'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'event'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'event_venue'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(event)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.FixedImagePlaceholder
description = l'Fixed Image'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'fixed'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

is_image = True

Whether this placeholder is rendering an image

name = 'fixed_image'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(item)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.FixedTextPlaceholder
description = l'Fixed Text'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'fixed'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

name = 'fixed'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(item)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationAccompanyingPersonsAbbrevPlaceholder
description = l'Accompanying persons (abbrev.)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'accompanying_persons_abbrev'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'last_name_first': False}
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationAccompanyingPersonsCountPlaceholder
description = l'Number of accompanying persons'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'num_accompanying_persons'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(registration)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationAccompanyingPersonsPlaceholder
description = l'Accompanying persons'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'accompanying_persons'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'abbrev_first_name': False, 'last_name_first': False}
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationAddressPlaceholder
description = l'Address'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'address'
name = 'address'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationAffiliationPlaceholder
description = l'Institution'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'affiliation'
name = 'affiliation'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationAmountPlaceholder
description = l'Price (no currency)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'amount'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(registration)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationCountryPlaceholder
description = l'Country'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'country'
name = 'country'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationEmailPlaceholder
description = l'E-mail'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'email'
name = 'email'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFirstNamePlaceholder
description = l'First Name'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'first_name'
name = 'first_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFriendlyIDPlaceholder
description = l'Registration ID'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'friendly_id'
name = 'registration_friendly_id'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNameNoTitlePlaceholder
description = l'Full Name (no title)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name_no_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {}
with_title = False
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNameNoTitlePlaceholderB
description = l'Full Name B (no title)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name_b_no_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'last_name_first': False}
with_title = False
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNameNoTitlePlaceholderC
description = l'Full Name C (no title)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name_no_title_c'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'last_name_upper': True}
with_title = False
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNameNoTitlePlaceholderD
description = l'Full Name D (abbrev., no title)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name_no_title_d'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'abbrev_first_name': True, 'last_name_upper': True}
with_title = False
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNamePlaceholder
description = l'Full Name'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {}
with_title = True
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNamePlaceholderB
description = l'Full Name B'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name_b'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'last_name_first': False}
with_title = True
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNamePlaceholderC
description = l'Full Name C'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name_c'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'last_name_first': False, 'last_name_upper': True}
with_title = True
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationFullNamePlaceholderD
description = l'Full Name D (abbrev.)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'full_name_d'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

name_options = {'abbrev_first_name': True, 'last_name_first': False, 'last_name_upper': True}
with_title = True
class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationLastNamePlaceholder
description = l'Last Name'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'last_name'
name = 'last_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationPhonePlaceholder
description = l'Phone'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'phone'
name = 'phone'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationPicturePlaceholder
description = l'Picture'

A short description of the placeholder.

is_image = True

Whether this placeholder is rendering an image

name = 'picture'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(registration)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationPositionPlaceholder
description = l'Position'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'position'
name = 'position'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationPricePlaceholder
description = l'Price (with currency)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'price'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(registration)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationTicketQRPlaceholder
data_source = 'person'

Data source for the placeholder.

description = l'Ticket QR Code'

A short description of the placeholder.

group = 'registrant'

The group of the placeholder. Must be a valid key from GROUPS.

is_image = True

Whether this placeholder is rendering an image

is_ticket = True

Whether a template containing this placeholder is considered a ticket

name = 'ticket_qr_code'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(person)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.designer.placeholders.RegistrationTitlePlaceholder
description = l'Title'

A short description of the placeholder.

field = 'title'
name = 'title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used